The purchase of real property in Poland

We specialize in technical and legal audits of residential real estate. If you are buying a house or a flat in Poland we can help!

The purchase of real property in Poland | 797 014 014

Buying a house is undoubtedly one of the most important events in our life. Buyer needs to consider many aspects of the property and provide significant amount of money for its purchase.

In the search of the perfect match

The process of searching for the house usually starts with answering the 3 questions: What is the location that is the most suitable for me? What is the price that I am willing to pay for my house? and What are the factors of my future house that are the most important for me?

The location is the main factor determining the price of buying an apartment. The choice of the location is the individual matter. For example, most retirees will consider the proximity of the church to be positive, and the neighborhood of the school will not be desirable by them. In the case of young parents, the situation will be exactly the opposite. In the process of finding the ideal location of the house the golden mean principle should be followed. On the one hand, the apartment must meet our current needs. On the other hand, it will be with us for many years, long enough for the needs to change. The apartment on the fourth floor without elevator is suitable for students, but not for parents with children (and baby carriages), much less for a pensioner.

The price of the house can depend on many factors. The houses in large cities are usually more expensive than in smaller towns, and prices in popular districts significantly exceed the rates per square meter in housing estates that do not enjoy a reputation among the city's residents. Sometimes price factors can be surprising. For example, flats in a prestigious district can be sold at a good price, however the purchase will be risky as the developer can sell the property at a lower price because it is on the verge of bankruptcy or because it is planned to build a waste incineration plant not far from the development investment.

That is why it is crucial to make sure that the developer or the person selling the house on the secondary market is reliable and trustworthy and the purchase of the house will be safe.

Regardless of whether the house will be bought on the primary or secondary market it is crucial to make sure that the bought property is free from any hidden, troublesome legal entries. The best way to do so is to entrust the assessment of the legal aspects of the bought property to the experts from Pewny Lokal company.

We offer legal analysis of the property development contract and the developer’s prospectus. For an additional fee, we can also check additional attachments of the contract (e.g. a reservation contract or a draft contract transferring ownership of the premises). We provide a complex service - when checking documents from a real estate developer, we use not only legal knowledge but also collected statistical data, which allow us to assess the security of the development investment (e.g. through checking whether there are any potential negative information published in the press about the residential developer). The report that we prepare consists of four parts. The summary focuses on the most important information that you should pay attention to. “Investment in a nutshell” contains key information about the development. “The contract in the nutshell” contains a summary of the property development contract and the additional documents, e.g. a reservation contract. “Explanations” part includes the description of the information from the previous parts of the report and the recommendations (e.g. concerning specific contractual clauses and how you should renegotiate them).The uniform and transparent report within 48 hours since ordering. Consultation with a lawyer is also an option for additional fee.

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Kupujesz lub sprzedajesz nieruchomość?

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Uniknij kosztownych błędów! W 60 sekund odpowiedz na 5 prostych pytań, a my powiemy Ci, na co uważać!

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Kupujesz czy sprzedajesz nieruchomość?

Ostatnie pytanie: Zaznacz umowy, które według Twojej wiedzy podpisałeś/aś:

Ostatnie pytanie: Zaznacz umowy, które według Twojej wiedzy podpisałeś/aś:

Ostatnie pytanie: Zaznacz umowy, które według Twojej wiedzy podpisałeś/aś:

Ostatnie pytanie: Zaznacz umowy, które według Twojej wiedzy podpisałeś/aś:

Ostatnie pytanie: Zaznacz umowy, które według Twojej wiedzy podpisałeś/aś:

Gratulujemy podjęcia decyzji! Pamiętaj jednak, że jeśli kupujesz dom od dewelopera, który już jest wybudowany, to bardzo ważne, żebyś

  1. Sprawdził dokładnie zapisy umowne - najpewniej będziesz podpisywać umowę przedwstępną, a nie deweloperską. To ważna różnica!
  2. Zweryfikował dewelopera i bezpieczeństwo inwestycji - nieruchomości domowe to mniej "ucywilizowany" niż rynek mieszkaniowy!
  3. Miał prawo do odbioru deweloperskiego i wiedzę techniczną, jak sprawdzić nieruchomość. W przypadku domów to szczególnie ważne!

Pod tym linkiem udostępniamy Ci darmowy poradnik.

We offer also our legal services on the secondary market. We can provide the advanced analysis of the land and mortgage registers using our complex software that was created based on reviewing several hundred geographically representative registers - despite the fact that the registers are made available by the Ministry of Justice, the information is entered into them by several hundred district courts, and the method of recording important data often varies depending on the particular judge.

We send a transparent and standardized report to you within 24 hours since placing the order. Our reports consist of three parts: a summary, land and mortgage registers in a nutshell and parts with explanations and recommendations. The first part indicates which information should be given special attention when reading the report. The second part contains a summary of all the registers reviewed. In the third part we explain the information from the second part and propose specific actions that we recommend to take. Additionally - using the statistics collected by us - show the comparison of the property to other premises in Poland.

Thanks to our report, for a small amount (a shred of the final sale price) you can avoid unpleasant surprises (e.g. claims on the ground, no right to a parking space), save the time necessary to make a decision about buying a property, and gain an argument in negotiations.

Technical acceptance or audit of the house

After the analysis of the documentation the buyer of the house has to check the technical state of the house.

The technical acceptance of the house on the primary market takes place when the building is ready and the developer has an occupancy permit. This is the moment when the consumer first sees the finished premises and in the presence of the developer may assess whether it is in line with what the parties agreed in the developer agreement.

Since it is beneficial for the buyer of the apartment to note as many defects of the house as possible, in the acceptance report, it is worth using the assistance of another person during the acceptance.

When it comes to the audit on the secondary market it is important to check whether the property does not have hidden defects, the renovation of which can be very expensive – such as the replacement of old windows, alignment of walls or renovation of electricity installations. We have to also consider the whole building – there may be the lack of thermal insulation or wooden ceilings, whose poor technical condition can even be the reason for excluding the building from use by technical supervision.

If you want to be sure your property on the primary or secondary market is in the proper condition it is worth to entrust the assessment of the technical aspects of the bought property to the experts from Pewny Lokal company. During the acceptance, our technician will report to the developer any comments regarding the condition of the apartment and any defects (such as irregularity of plasters or leaky windows) on your behalf. Our technician is always obliged to perform the acceptance of the property according to precise instructions and check every aspect in our "checklist" in the house.

Karol, główny inżynier Pewny Lokal

We specialize in technical and legal audits of residential real estate. If you are buying a house or a flat in Poland we can help!

Learn more
Karol, główny inżynier Pewny Lokal

Our engineer conducting the technical audit on the secondary market will check the most important technical elements of the premises, its area, and any defects. 48 hours after your visit, you will receive a comprehensive report on the property survey of your property.

Our report consists of a summary and three parts: a description of the premises and the building in which it is located, the "installations" and "finishing" sections. In the descriptive part we provide the area of ​​the premises and its height, assess the condition of the building's facade, its insulation and construction and provide information on the condition of balconies, basements and other associated rooms. In the part concerning installations (electrical, plumbing, heating and other) we specify their type and condition, check the quality of the telecommunications signal. In the finishing section, we assess the quality and condition of plasters, floors and doors, check whether the walls are straight and smooth and evaluate the material of frames and window panes.

Karol, główny inżynier Pewny Lokal

We specialize in technical and legal audits of residential real estate. If you are buying a house or a flat in Poland we can help!

Learn more
Karol, główny inżynier Pewny Lokal

Poznaj Pewny Lokal

  1. Jesteśmy jedyną w Polsce firmą kompleksowo pomagającą w bezpiecznym zakupie mieszkania zarówno od dewelopera, jak i na rynku wtórnym.
  2. Pomogliśmy ponad 30 000 klientów w odbiorze mieszkania od dewelopera.
  3. Poza odbiorami pomagamy również w analizie umów od dewelopera oraz przeprowadzamy kompleksowe audyty techniczne i prawne na rynku wtórnym.
  4. Wreszcie pomagamy też w innych kwestiach, audycie działki, badaniu termowizyjnym lub przy sprawdzeniu ekipy wykończeniowej.
  5. Termin odbioru, analizy prawnej lub innej usługi możesz wygodnie zarezerwować online tutaj.

What is the process of receiving an apartment from the developer?

Watch our tutorial.

Artykuły, które mogą Cię zainteresować

See what you should know about the acceptance protocol.

Watch the film.

Czy nasz artykuł pomógł Ci w Twoim problemie? Podziel się zdobytą wiedzą ze znajomymi!

Oceń artykuł:

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  • grade
  • grade
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Kupno mieszkania a lokatorzy
Średnia 5/5 na podstawie 94 opinii.

We specialize in technical and legal audits of residential real estate. If you are buying a house or a flat in Poland we can help!

Learn more

Sprawdź nieruchomość z Pewny Lokal:

Ogólnopolska skala

Ogólnopolska skala

Działamy na terenie całej Polski.



Możemy wykonać audyt nieruchomości w dowolnym terminie.

Sieć fachowców

Sieć fachowców

Nasi prawnicy są wyspecjalizowani konkretnie w prawie nieruchomości.

Jednolity format usług

Jednolity format usług

Ustandaryzowane raporty z analiz umów rezerwacyjnych i deweloperskich.

Zgromadzona wiedza

Zgromadzona wiedza

Doświadczenie z setek audytów technicznych i prawnych w jednym miejscu.

Learn how you can safely buy a house or a flat in Poland (text in Polish)


Zachęcamy do pobrania darmowych poradników przygotowanych przez naszych prawników i inżynierów

Poradnik: jak kupić nieruchomość od dewelopera?

okładka poradnika

Poradnik odbioru technicznego od deweloepra

okładka poradnika

Poradnik poodbiorowy

okładka poradnika

What is the technical acceptance of a flat, and why should it be carried out by a specialist?

See for yourself.

Jak sprawdzić nieruchomość?

Audyt nieruchomości to nie tylko równe posadzki i bezpieczne instalacje.

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