Powoli, bo powoli, ale również nasz kraj ulega pożądanemu z punktu widzenia rynku pracy procesowi kosmopolityzacji. Obcokrajowcy nie tylko przeprowadzają się do Polski, ale także kupują tutaj mieszkania, w tym na rynku pierwotnym. Poniższy artykuł dotyczy naszych usług odbioru mieszkania, napisany jest po angielsku i skierowany do naszych zagranicznych klientów.
Under the Polish law, the process of buying a flat on the primary market starts with signing the so-called developer contract (umowa deweloperska). In Poland such a contract must be signed in the offices of a notary public. Usually, when the development contract is concluded, the investment is not ready yet: the building itself and apartments will be built only in a few months, or perhaps years. The buyer therefore undertakes to buy the flat before he can see it (in a sense, he is buying from the developer "cat in a sack"). Receipt or technical audit of the apartment is the moment when the consumer first sees the finished premises and in the presence of the developer decides whether it is compatible with what the parties agreed to in the development contract. According to the development act, the reception precedes the final transfer of ownership of the flat. In the case of a home pick-up, the transfer of the house's property together with the plot underneath it is also possible after the technical acceptance.
Hardly any reception goes smoothly. Because the purchase of an apartment is one of the most important transactions in the lives of most Poles (or Poland’s residents), it is important for them to receive the flat in perfect condition. Our firm, Pewny Lokal offers technical audit of a flat (or a house). We cooperate with experienced engineers and building inspectors. When auditing the apartments, we check their compliance with the provisions of the developer's agreement and the developer's prospectus (prospect informacyjny), with generally accepted technical standards, as well as any standards to which the developer has committed in the contract or prospectus.
When ordering our service, we recommend that you attach and send us a floor plan with an apartment selection and "finishing standard" (standard wykończenia) - both documents should be attached to the development agreement or prospectus (you can always ask the developer - he is obliged to provide them at any time). During technical audit, our trained technician (construction engineer or building inspector) on your behalf will report to the developer any comments regarding the condition of the apartment and any defects (scratches, uneven walls, leaking windows or installations). You will also receive your own report, in which you will be able to mark any defects and defects reported by the technician of Pewny Lokal. During the audit you will be always able to call our phone consultants in case a legal or technical question arisWhen auditing the apartments,es during an audit.
We cooperate with engineers fluent in English and will be happy to support you during a technical inspection of a flat. We offer our services in: Warsaw, Gdańsk, Katowice, Kraków, Łódź, Poznań, Wrocław and other Polish cities. If you have any questions, please write to: kontakt@pewnylokal.pl or call our helpline: 797014014 (open daily from 8:00 to 22:00). You can also order an apartment audit online using our form (unfortunately, it is still in Polish).
We also provide legal services of analyzing development's cotnracts or other contracts relating to the real estate. Contact our lawyers!
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Uniknij kosztownych błędów! W 60 sekund odpowiedz na 5 prostych pytań, a my powiemy Ci, na co uważać!
Obejrzyj film, który pokaże Ci, na jakie elementy warto zwrócić uwagę przy odbiorze mieszkania.
Ekspert wyjaśnia wszystkie Twoje wątpliwości.
Działamy na terenie całej Polski.
Możemy wykonać odbiór mieszkania w dowolnym terminie.
Audyty wykonują przeszkoleni inżynierowie i inspektorzy.
Ustandaryzowane odbiory mieszkań według sprawdzonego schematu.
Doświadczenie z setek audytów technicznych i prawnych w jednym miejscu.
Dowiedz się, jak zaoszczędzić czas i nerwy na odbiorze technicznym.
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